Review on a video entitled Cross cultural communication by Pellegrino Riccardi
Right! Straight to the point shall we? Okay this entry is our
first official task from our beloved lecturer, Dr Fiza. Basically, what we have
to do is to watch a video by Pellegrino Riccardi on Youtube which is entitled “Cross
Cultural Communication”, and to comment about it.
Serious talk, we enjoyed watching the video because it has a
lot of information but in the same time, it is not boring. The speaker,
Pellegrino was very good in delivering his speech. So, what are you waiting
for? Go and watch the video!
Okay, according to Pellegrino, culture is a system of behavior
that helps us to act in an accepted or familiar way. The keyword is accepted
and familiar. What is accepted and familiar in one culture is not necessarily
normal in other cultures. We’ve got different ideas of accepted and familiar. Different
cultures have different ideas of doing something.
For example, in Aminah’s family culture, it is normal to use ‘aku’
and ‘mu’(since she is from Terengganu) with her siblings . However, in other families’ culture,
they assume that we are very rude toward each other.
The problem or challenge when working with other
nationalities or people who are different from our culture is that people see
what they want to see, and they don’t always see what you see.
Here’s the thing, before you judge a culture, you have to dig
deeper and ask yourself, “Why are they acting in that particular way?” There must
be a reason behind their action. Don’t randomly judge them, it’s not nice and
it is not fair to them as well. You have to find out the underlying values of a
culture. That is how you know how to communicate with people. Always look at the
positive side. Through this way, you can avoid miscommunication between
different cultures.
Once again, take the example of the use of ‘aku’ and ‘mu’ in Aminah’s
family. Apparently, the use of ‘aku’ and ‘mu’ indicate that she is very close
with her family. So that is why her family is more comfortable to use that kind
of pronoun. Maybe from other cultures’ perspective, it is rude. But from their
culture, it is normal. It is accepted and familiar.
Finally, you must learn to fit in yourself if you are living
in a culture other than yours. You have to learn how to adapt and socialize with
people by respecting their culture.
For now, that is all from us, we hope you can gain something
beneficial from this entry and InsyaAllah we will see you again in the next
entry. Till then, Assalamualaikum!